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Business Start Up

We at Clerkin & Co can guide you through the various steps you must take in order to register as a business.

 We can help with:

– Your business plan
– Choosing the best legal structure
– Registering with the authorities
– Financing your business
– Keeping your books and records
– Planning your tax liabilities
– Employing people

Company Formations
There are three important steps to take to set up as a Company in business:

– Incorporation
– Bank account
– Registration for taxes

In normal circumstances incorporation of a company can be set up within five working days.

After we have incorporated your company you can quickly take the next steps of opening a new bank account in the company name and getting tax registration, none of which can be completed before incorporation is complete.

Once your company is incorporated and a “company number issued”:

You can use this “company number” to open a new company bank account. When you are issued with a new company “bank account number” we can apply for “tax registration” for you. (e.g. corporation tax, VAT, PAYE, RCT etc).

Audit & Accountancy

We take care of all of your audit and accountancy needs.


Let us take the responsibility for maintaining effective and efficient payroll systems so that you can concentrate on your business.

Business Start Up

We at Clerkin & Co can guide you through the various steps you must take in order to register as a business

Capital & Lump Sum investments

We can offer access to a full range of investment products that are an alternative to direct investment in bank deposits, shares quoted on the stock markets, government and corporate bonds and property.


The level of the State pension at retirement age is unlikely on its own to be sufficient to meet the financial requirements of retirement and so one should commence paying into a personal pension early in one’s working life.

Ready to
get started?

Simply book a 1 to 1 Consultation to discuss your requirements and receive a quotation.


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